Fabiola Yasky
Licensed Massage Therapist

Fabiola Yasky is an accomplished licensed massage therapist (LMT 42876) with extensive experience in Florida. With a career spanning over 18 years, she specializes in trigger point therapy, neuromuscular massage, cupping therapy, Thai Massage, and Shiatsu.

Fabiola holds an Associate in Arts degree from Miami Dade College and is fluent in English and Spanish. Her approach focuses on educating clients and empowering them to actively participate in their health and well-being, helping them maintain a pain-free lifestyle.

Beyond her professional life, Fabiola enjoys a range of hobbies including fitness activities like cycling, running, weight training, and tennis. She also has a passion for photography, music, reading, traveling, cooking, and caring for her pets.

Clients can expect exceptional massage therapy services from Fabiola Yasky as she brings her expertise, dedication, and compassionate approach to support their journey toward improved health and well-being.